A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

A GZDoom MOD using Kontra Kommando's Aliens: Trilolgy/Ultimate Doom mod as it's base. Play as four unique classes against the power of the Xenomorphs, all while battling with Weyland/Yutani Company forces, opportunistic mercenaries, and malfunctioning combat droids. Play with Doom or Doom 2 wads and pwads or try the included mapset for the ultimate in terror.

If all goes well, this will be the final update for Aliens: Eradication. Thanks to everyone who has played the mod and a special thanks to those who provided feedback and suggestions. If I did not include anyone's ideas, it was because I either could not implement them or I chose not to include them for creative/technical reasons. This update fixes many issues that plagued me from early on in development.


Here's what is new in version 2.0:

1. Reworked the texture patches to provide more variety when used with wads containing vanilla textures.

2. Player now has proper "pain" and "fall" sounds specific to their class.

3. Loot boxes no longer damage players when broken open while standing immediately next to them.

4. Exploding barrels no longer launch "nails" or shrapnel as they would hit and damage the player from great distances.

5. Changed the hud color effect for the speed burst/adrenaline to a soft blue as the original color used was too similar to the rad suit color.

6. Most Aliens will now climb out of deep pits. No more cheesing them... they will scale walls to get to you!

7. The Combat Synthetic class can remain under water indefinitely as it does not breathe.

8. The Combat Synthetic class is impervious or, at least resistant, to most damaging floors due to it's non-organic nature.

9. Humans, in particular freed colonists, no longer get stuck on top of barrels and other decorations.

10. Strobe lights above lifts no longer drop to the floor when the lift is activated. This can still happen under rare circumstances that involve crushers and certain moving sector actions.

The following fixes are specific to the included Eradication mapset:

1. Fixed a bug that prevented some enemies from activating in the final map for the Colonist class.

2. Timers used in map 2 for the Combat Synthetic class are now displayed properly with all digits included.

3. Cleaned up some unneeded lines for the AutoMap.

Kills Alone contributed to this mod with playtesting and feedback. He features the mod on his YouTube channel and provides some fantastic content. Check out this video playing the mod with the beautiful map Diabolus Ex.

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This edition includes the game in standalone version(GZdoom, Freedoom2 and the game ALIENS: ERADICATION TC), a modification of the third-person camera (Aliens Fireteam Elite style), a CRT filter (activated by launching the game with the associated shortcut), an icon for your shortcut.
In Scaling Options menu :
In Camera Options (in full option menu):



Install instructions

To play it on Linux or Mac you will need to compile the game with the appropriate GZDoom version.

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